Sailor moon episodes 10
Sailor moon episodes 10

sailor moon episodes 10

I assume DiC found this to be a bit too religious for their tastes. You know, the whole clapping, ringing the bell thing, all that. (5 seconds) Before we first see Jadeite posing as a priest/helper guy at the temple, we see three students praying at the temple. I don't understand why they bother cutting this really, since they leave other shots of kana in ALL THE TIME. (2 seconds) The shot of the sign outside of the shrine saying "Hikawa Shrine" in kana is cut. (9 seconds) When Naru and that other girl show up and join Usagi and Ami in their conversation, the conversation is ONCE AGAIN cut short. (18 seconds) In the very beginning of the episode where Usagi meets up with Ami to talk about stuff, their conversation is trimmed WAY down. (30 seconds) The opening Usagi segment is cut. Not too totally inaccurate, but what's wrong with saying "Legendary" or "Mythical"?įINALLY, Either there were lots and lots of tiny microscopic cuts, or the episode as a whole was SLIGHTLY sped up, cause I constantly found my tapes falling SLIGHTLY out of sync. After a quick look in the dictionary, if "Imperium" is the proper way of spelling what was said in the dub, it seems that Imperium means something that has absolute control or power, or something to that nature. I'm not entirely sure he had one in the original.Īlso in this episode, the Maraboshi (forgive me if I spelt that wrong) no Ginzuishou (Mythical/Legendary Silver Crystal) is referred to as the "Silver Imperium Crystal". Jadeite's "Street name" in this episode is "Jett" in the dub. That's good, at least one character can retain a name.sort of. Although not revealed in this episode, it is later revealed that she keeps her last name of Hino as well. Rei's name is changed to "Raye", retaining it's sound but changing it's spelling. Why? Who knows, probably just because "they could". Hikawa Shrine is changed to the Cherry Hill Temple. Finally, I'd like to ask why is Amy insulting Serena so much in the dub? Ami would never DIRECTLY insult Usagi, and even then, even a harsh word from Ami is very very rare. It's a shame too, cause Oji-chan was a really funny character in the original. In the dub, he's changed to a senile old man who doesn't know his right from left. In the original, he was a perverted old man who was interested in flirting with the young girls who visit the temple. The character of Rei's grandpa is also DRAMATICALLY changed. Serena on the other hand is just a freakin' idiot.

sailor moon episodes 10

Usagi is goofy and kind of ditzy, but she really isn't too terribly dumb. I noticed throughout this episode that Serena is made stupider than Usagi. That's not too terribly bad (bad yes, but not too too bad), but it's a sign of what's to come, unfortunately.Īlso, the characters in the dub were changed slightly. The example I wrote down was the use of the word "Hunkasaurous". I wrote down in my notes to mention that the slang is getting worse. >< Hopefully the introduction of Jupiter and Venus will be a bit better? I really don't get some of these changes.such as changing the temple name, ginzuishou/silver crystal.And Rei's introduction is just BLAH. This episode wasn't too bad, but because of the episode's importance, it should've been done much better.

sailor moon episodes 10

Well, now two of the three senshi introductions have been nicely fucked up, not to mention that they made them a bit out of character again. Luckily the slang isn't too bad yet.Key word there, though, YET. The script is getting more and more off and the slang is starting to turn up more and more. Much like Ami's introduction, Rei's introduction was mangled up pretty bad. With the help of Ami and Tuxedo Mask, they are able to escape the vortex and return safely. Together, Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars defeat the youma. There, Luna tells Rei to transform and we learn that she is actually Sailor Mars. Usagi is pulled into the dimensional vortex that the bus driver, whom we learn is a youma working under Jadeite who was posing as a helper at the shrine, was taking all the people into after draining their energy. Luna coerces Usagi to get on the bus, but not before leaving Rei a henshin stick. After attacking Usagi after feeling dark forces, the two learn that the girls don't seem to disappear until they get on the 66 bus. There they meet Rei Hino, a Shinto Priestess. Thinking that the Dark Kingdom might be involved, Luna, Usagi, and Ami go to check the shrine out. Girls have recently been disappearing from the Hikawa Shrine after purchasing charms there. (Cursed Bus! The Soldier of Flame, Mars, Appears) "Norowareta Bus! Honoo no senshi Mars toujou"

Sailor moon episodes 10